Welcome to Eliot Maine

Eliot Festival Day is a community event featuring the Eliot Festival Day 5K Road Race in the morning and the Donut and Pie Eatin’ Contests in the afternoon. Along with crafts, food, products, and informational booths we have a Farmer’s Market for area agriculture, a Colonial Re-enactment camp, a PARADE for one and all, Chalmers Kids’ Fun Run, live music, Dancing DJ Carmen and more!

Held the last Saturday in September — this year that is September 27, 2025– right by the gazebo on State Road.

🎉🎉We will have FIREWORKS on Friday night at the Eliot Boat Basin. We still need volunteers to help onsite Friday, September 26. If you can help, please email us at [email protected] with Firework Volunteer in the subject line.

2025 Vendor Booths

Click here for the Vendor Application

This is a family-friendly event so please ask if you have any questions. [email protected]

Who can have a booth at Eliot Festival Day?

Small businesses in the area getting out to meet potential clients

Non-profits looking to raise funds and meet new folks in the area

Local microbusinesses like farm stores/stands or services like knife sharpening and snow plowing

All types of craft makers and fine arts creators

Food trucks and food booths are a special treat for us all.

We have plenty of room for vendors of all shapes and sizes, though we will be assigning booth space closer to the day.

5K Road Race

Sign-up here for the 2025 Eliot Festival 5K Road Race

You won’t be gone long when you run the Eliot Festival 5K This is a fast, smooth, straight course.  And it shows off our beautiful Eliot countryside quite nicely.  For you competitive types these course records & could be a challenge: Cathy O’Brien 16:06.18 in 1996 (also the Maine State 5K Road Race record) and Patrick Tarpy 14:15.72 in 2006. 

Please note for 2025 we will be starting at Town Hall parking lot. Consult your Runners email sent in September for details.

Do you love track & field, but have hung up your spikes? Come and volunteer during the Eliot Festival 5K Road Race. We need timers, people to assist runners, and other event jobs that track people know how to do.  It promises to be great fun.

Email [email protected] with questions about the road race — running in it, volunteering at it, or sponsoring it!


Want to join the parade? We welcome individuals, hobby groups, businesses, marching groups, and community organizations.

Parade application fill it out online so we know to expect your entry and so our emcee can give you a shout out!

Liability Waiver download the pdf and follow the directions for applicable signatures BEFORE the Festival, please.

a vintage red fire truck rolls down State Street in the Eliot Festival Parade

The set-up location FOR PARADE is the Eliot Boat Basin (aka Dead Duck) 90 Hammond Ln, Eliot, ME 03903

Parade Line-Up Schedule Saturday, September 27, 2025 (rain or shine) :

  •       Vehicles arrive 9 – 9:30 am
  •       Participants arrive 9 – 9:45 am
  •       Line-up to establish the order for the grandstand 10 – 10:15 am
  •      Step off onto RT 103 10:30 am!!

If your parade entry includes a vehicle there will be a strictly enforced 10 MPH on State Road during the festival.

Please email your parade questions to  [email protected]

10:15 am Parade kicks off from Eliot Boat Basin to arrive at Eliot Elementary School reviewing stand at 11:00 am

So don’t leave it too late to grab a great seat for our Annual Parade.

Parking is at the Eliot Commons on Route 236 with shuttles running regularly.

Kids’ Fun

Our Kids’ fun covers everything from Chalmer’s Kids Fun Run to bouncy houses, face painting, and balloon creations along with fun crafts. Adults must accompany children the entire time they are in these areas.

Download the Chalmers’ Kids’ Fun Run Registration and Flyer 2025 when it becomes available in September so you are ready to join the fun on Saturday (yes we will have some paper copies there too)

Thank you to our Kids Area Sponsor

Thank you to our Kids Fun Run Sponsor